Company Background

The Keenan Auction Company was founded in Northern Maine in 1972. The Company is now located in Southern Maine and has evolved from selling personal property to an industry leader in conducting real estate and equipment auctions throughout the Northeast.
The firm employs five full-time auctioneer / real estate brokers and has conducted over 4,000 auctions. Our primary client base consists of the governmental, banking, legal and corporate community as well as individuals.
Project Manager Profiles
Richard J. Keenan, CAI, AARE - - founder of the Keenan Auction Company in 1972. Active in the role of management of the company and assists in major projects - is a licensed Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker - is the Appraiser of the company in the field of Inventory Evaluation - in addition, has served as 6-year board member and President of the Auction Marketing Institute (AMI) - 10-year board member and 5-year Treasurer of the National Auction Association (NAA) - twice President of the Maine Auctioneers Association (MAA) - Charter Member of the Auction Executive Group (AEG) - Chair of the Graduate Personal Property Appraiser (GPPA) designation committee - Finance Committee member of the National Auctioneers Foundation (NAF) - an instructor of Commercial Auctions at Indiana University for the Certified Auctioneers Institute (CAI) designation program - in 1996 was the Industry Representative for the AMI at the World Bank Program in Shanghai, China, delivering a paper entitled "How to Establish an Educational Certification Program for Auctioneers" - and in year 2000 was inducted into the National Auction Association Hall of Fame.
Steven P. Keenan, CAI, GPPA - - Personal Property Division Manger with primary responsibility of supervising all personal property auctions and appraisals - a licensed Auctioneer and Real Estate Associate Broker - a graduate of Reich Auction School, the Certified Auctioneers Institute (CAI), the Graduate Personal Property Appraisers (GPPA) program of the Auction Marketing Institute, member of the Auction Executive Group (AEG), and past President of the Maine Auctioneers Association (MAA).
Stefan P. Keenan, CAI, AARE - - Real Estate Division Manager with primary responsibility of supervising all real estate auctions - a licensed Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker - a graduate of the Reich Auction School, the Certified Auctioneers Institute (CAI), the Accredited Auctioneer of Real Estate (AARE) program of the Auction Marketing Institute, member of the Auction Executive Group (AEG), and past President of the Maine Auctioneers Association (MAA).
David M. Reed, CAI - - Real Estate and Personal Property Project Manager and Appraiser - a licensed Auctioneer and Real Estate Associate Broker - a graduate of Mendenhall School of Auctioneering, the Certified Auctioneers Institute (CAI), and the Graduate Personal Property Appraisers (GPPA). |